To locate the Hotel del Veneto are a number of web services. I am comfortable because the location is important, most provide other considerations that may be useful in selecting the hotel. The first would say certainly google maps, which makes it possible to locate a large number of hotels. Google Maps reap the findings PagineGialle, and allows you to write and find reviews on the hotel.
Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa
Another interesting tool is viamichelin, which is even more refined, lets you enter search criteria such as whether the hotel is also a restaurant, if there is air conditioning, if there is access for handicapped , etc.. Yahoo also offers a service - but only a trivial list - with data inherited from Yellow Pages, which in turn provide a service location, although perhaps with a nice interface less of the other. There are also hotels in the group Accord, very comfortable in terms of booking, cost transparency and visualization services.